Top Link Global College, Inc. is designed to provide learning opportunities that enable individuals to be globally competitive and economically independent.
Our mission is to continue educating our youth and provide them with quality education that is within reach. We have prepared our digital infrastructures for better use of technology in each and every classroom.
We are blending education and technology to ensure that our students will be able to continue with their studies. We are confident that we can successfully link not just good, but quality education to the life that our students deserve.
School President
Top Link Global College, Inc., is a non-stock, non-profit institution registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last August 2018 with the vision and mission of providing high quality basic, technical-vocational and tertiary education. TLGC houses its operations within 1,700sqm owned property in a 5-storey building equipped with complete and advanced facilities conducive and responsive to the growing demands of various learners.
More specifically Top Link Global College envisions to be the leading Global Education network for transformative Learning, Literacy and Life Skills through advanced technological and High Quality Services Education Linking Good Deeds to Good Life.
Top Link Global College is designed to offer different qualifications and training programs covering seven (7) different sectors, such as: Automotive; Information and Communication Technology; General Infrastructure; Health, Sosial and Other Community Development Services; Language and Culture; Metals and Engineering; and Tourism. Our training institution aims to enter Senior High School under the Department of Education developing Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track as we move forward meeting the demands for work-force of today’s modern generation into becoming globally competitive product of skills training, here and abroad. Motivated by our earnest vision to help aleviate poverty and unemployment in the country, Top Link Global College have designed other programs leading to the acquisition of bundled TVET Programs which will enable the trainees to receive Diploma/Certificate of their chosen field of specialization upon completion of the necessary requirements such as documents and the training itself, following the Commission on Higher Education.
Driven by our desire and intention to reach out the prospective trainees who are at the outskirts, we created a Mobile Training Program/s (MTP) ready to extend the same quality of training experience.
“Top Link Global College, Inc. is designed to provide learning opportunities that enable individuals to be globally competitive and economically independent."
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt ut voluptatum eius sapiente, totam reiciendis temporibus qui quibusdam, recusandae sit vero unde, sed, incidunt et ea quo dolore laudantium consectetur!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt ut voluptatum eius sapiente, totam reiciendis temporibus qui quibusdam, recusandae sit vero unde, sed, incidunt et ea quo dolore laudantium consectetur!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt ut voluptatum eius sapiente, totam reiciendis temporibus qui quibusdam, recusandae sit vero unde, sed, incidunt et ea quo dolore laudantium consectetur!